

It is getting hard to capture pictures of these little munchkins because they are on the go! Most of my pictures have no puppy in them because the lag time between pushing the buttom and the camera deciding to flash is long enough for the puppy to be long gone.

They don't seem to ever get enough to eat. I am feeding them 3 times a day and Gambit is still giving them snacks in between but I swear they would eat until they burst if I permitted them too. They are very good at sleeping until I wake up. Of course I get up at 5 or 5:30 in the morning so it isn't near daylight yet. I don't suppose they will be as anxious to sleep all night once they don't have their litter mates so I hope everyone who is getting one of these little sweeties is getting plenty of sleep now. LOL

Raising a litter is a lot of hard work but I am enjoying every minute of it and I can't believe how soon they will be gone from the nest. Thank goodness there were only seven although I am sad that I didn't have enough puppies to go around.

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